11th December 2024
Over the past decade at Vocative, we’ve seen a marked trend from generalist to specialist in the IT candidate market. Given the precision skills – and the complex combination of skills – sought within the tech sector, it’s unsurprising that there has been a move by candidates to specialise. Consistently evolving tech stacks have meant that it has made sense for tech experts to develop their specialisms.
As far back as 2011 the Harvard Business Review published a piece about the rise of hyerspecialisation stating that “Even job titles of recent vintage will soon strike us as quaint. “Software developer,” for example, already obscures the reality that often in a software project, different specialists are responsible for design, coding, and testing.’ And they’re right – when did you last hear of an Analyst/Programmer?
This has meant that some IT specialisations have experienced double digit growth over the past twelve months. These include cybersecurity analysts, data scientists and devops engineers. It’s clear that companies need specialists, subject matter experts, domain expertise: but finding and managing that talent is hard work.
The era of the expert and hyperspecialization is a challenge to many businesses as they struggle to identify and access the specialists they need.
At Vocative we work with our customers to provide just those high impact, high complexity hires. Our network is such that we are constantly at the coalface, and understand the nuances of what businesses need and want candidates want.
The expert economy is based on the principle that those who are speciality experts are increasingly sought and that companies are willing to pay for that expertise. Working with a skilled partner with a strong network in the right areas can provide an effective route to market to secure the people who bring the value from your tech investment.
Whether you’re seeking opportunities or people, speak to Vocative today.
11th December 2024
1st October 2024
15th July 2024
Technical Specialists
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