11th December 2024
What is “The Art of Recruitment”?
One thing recruitment companies are notoriously bad at is articulating how they do what they do.
Or to put it another way, they are terrible are explaining why you’d want to use them.
Partly that’s because recruitment is one term to cover a huge range of services. But that’s a subject for another day.
The purpose of this article is to explain what Vocative does to add value for its customers. To answer the following question:
When I work with a company I am bringing to the table 25 years of experience and a significant network. I only work in quite a small field (senior level candidates with strong business capability and technical skills in either data, change/transformation or network infrastructure, or a combination). That means not only that I already know and have access to a number of good potential people to introduce, but that I’ve been speaking to them for many years.
So I help companies understand what is in the market. I help them define the shape of the role and quantify what they need. I can provide examples of previous companies who have found themselves in similar situations and talk about what worked and what didn’t.
And I can translate that into a compelling role that I can take to market – to my immediate network and beyond as I search and reach out to the right candidate.
Most of the time that’s not a capability that companies have in house. I often work alongside internal recruitment teams who have excellent experience of bringing people in and building employer brand but don’t know the specific sector I’m in. Or I work with smaller companies who don’t hire enough people in this space to want to build their own function.
But either way, companies come to me because they have a need to engage a candidate with a complex, business focussed technical skill set, and that is hard to define and hard to do. I’ve been doing it for years so I can help them solve that problem.
So while I’m here that also helps me answer another question that people often ask. What do you do when the market’s quiet, as it is now?
Well – I do what I always do: talk to candidates and companies alike. Try to understand what people are looking for and where the market is going. Introduce people to one another if I think they can help each other. Work on making sure my network is up to date and engaged.
It’s doing that all day every day that means I can help my customers when they need to hire.
If you want to know more – get in touch
11th December 2024
1st October 2024
15th July 2024
Get in touch for information on recruitment support.
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