11th December 2024
Vocative’s partnership with QDos for IR35
The changes, this April, to the IR35 off payroll legislation are designed to move responsibility for contractors’ tax status away from the contractor and towards the company engaging them.
That means that determining tax status becomes the responsibility of the company engaging the contractor. And liability for unpaid tax moves to that company and the agency.
So at Vocative we have focussed on helping our customers ensure that they can make correct, compliant determinations, quickly and easily. We’ve provided a robust process to manage and mitigate risk, whatever the determination.
We’ve partnered with QDos, a specialist provider in this space.
Vocative’s partnership with QDos for IR35 means that, using QDos’ HMRC-approved determination tool, our customers can assess roles and engagements quickly, with clear outcomes and excellent documentation.
Contractor appeals, contract renewals and tax investigations are all handled simply through the platform.
The process enables management and monitoring of compliance throughout the contract, and provides insurance to all parties in the chain.
Whatever the determination, our customers can have confidence that working with Vocative gives them not just the right candidate, but a fully compliant, fully insured and low impact process.
Call us or click here to find out more
11th December 2024
1st October 2024
15th July 2024
Vocative’s partnership with QDos for IR35. The changes, this April, to the IR35 off payroll legislation are designed to move responsibility for contractors’ tax status away from the contractor and towards the company engaging them. That means that determining tax status becomes the responsibility of the company engaging the contractor. And liability for unpaid tax moves to that company and the agency. So at Vocative we have focussed on helping our customers ensure that they can make correct, compliant determinations, quickly and easily. We’ve provided a robust process to manage and mitigate risk, whatever the determination. We’ve partnered with QDos, a specialist provider in this space.
For more information on changes to IR35, contact us, follow us on Twitter or follow us on LinkedIn.